Previous editions

2009 - Cinema Writings 

Films tell stories but also help to tell History. The relationship between films, their narratives, languages, focus and choices inspired us to write this edition of the Festival, which is reaching a historic mark this year with its 20th anniversary.
Regardless of style or duration, short films selected this year induce us to reflect on the last 20 years in History while also giving us a picture of the moment we’re living, thanks to both the flexibility and agility offered by the short format.

There are films from all over the world, depicting different cultures afflicted by the same turbulence. A lot of of them bringing messages oh hope and a deep appreciation of friendship and human relations, despite the crisis.

As part of the festivities for the Year of France in Brazil, we’ve created a special program on Cinema Writings. Much more than just a text that is the basis for a film or that provoke reflection, we understand that the process of producing an audiovisual project is not over when it hits the screen. It spreads out to other realms, engaging in a much wider chain that brings together many possibilities in displaying, choosing and proposing curatorships, the very reason why audiovisual festivals exist, in our view.

See also

  • 2023
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  • 1990