Brazilian Programs

The Brazilian Programs mantle is comprised of 15 programs from the Mostra Brasil, which bring together films that are part of a diverse, collective and highly refined curatorial approach, resulting in the acceptance not only of the films that were most consensual, but also of the works that proved to be wonderfully improbable.

Some Brazilian shorts also make up other programs that intersect with international production, such as the Mostra Limite, which dares to feature more experimental films, the Nocturnu program, which is a pure synesthesia based on fantasy and horror, and the Por uns Minutos a Mais program, which compiles medium-length films that stand out for their technical and thematic refinement.

In view of the Kinoforum Cultural Association’s inalienable commitment to pedagogical training – both in equipping new generations of filmmakers and in raising awareness among new audiences – the Mostra Brasil also features a program specifically composed of workshop films. Furthermore, throughout its fifteen programs, films for the completion of courses were seeded and competed for the Revelation Award.

From a universe of 617 films submitted, 68 titles from 13 states plus the Federal District were selected, which point to advances and challenges in terms of representation of race, gender and sexuality, as well as regional reach. However, it is first necessary to understand why almost a third of the submitted works did not wish to provide information on color, gender and sexual orientation.

Thus, considering the set of works that presented this information, this edition of the Brazilian Programs brings, on the one hand, the diagnosis that there has still not been a reversal of the gap in the multiple inequalities of national cinema, not even in the universe of short films, which has been the vanguard in the implosion of some glass ceilings. And, on the other hand, it also shows the face of a Brazil that is inevitable in its potential for production in a more promising scenario of public policies for development.

