
Check out the awards offered by Kinoforum - São Paulo International Short Film Festival and its partners to the films included in our 2024 program.
The Festival’s audience chooses their favorite films from among those shown in the International, Latin American, Limite and Brazil sections.
The ten Brazilian films and the ten international films with the most votes are announced at the awards ceremony in alphabetical order and re-screened on the last weekend of the Festival.

The Breakthrough Award aims to encourage young Brazilian audiovisual talents in their next production, from recording to finishing a short film of up to 15 minutes. For this, the festival establishes partnerships with companies in the area. A jury made up of audiovisual professionals is composed to select the winner.
The directors of Brazilian short films made in audiovisual courses and workshops shown at Mostra Brasil compete for the Breakthrough Award.
The short film made possible by the Breakthrough Award  is committed to premiering at the Kinoforum - São Paulo International Short Film Festival.

WINNER:  “Carcinização”, directed by Denis Souza (RS) - project: Língua de Gato

Juliano Gomes
Critic and professor. Editor of Cinética Magazine. Published in Film Quarterly, World Records Journal, Filme&Cultura, Folha, Piauí and others. Jury of DocLisboa, RIDM Montreal, Mostra Tiradentes, Cachoeira Doc and Fronteira, among many others. Selection committee of the Sheffield Doc Fest. Professor at FAAP (SP). Writes about theater, music and visual arts. Master's degree in Communication (UFRJ). He co-directed with Léo Bittencourt “As Ondas”(2016), “...”(2007). He directed the short film “Nothing to do” (2022). Feeds the podcast “Rascunho Ambiente”.

Lorenna Montenegro
Journalist, film critic, curator, screenwriter and screenwriting teacher at the International Cinema Academy - AIC. She is part of Coletivo Elviras, ABRA (Brazilian Association of Screenwriters and Authors) and Abraccine. Affiliated to FORCINE, she has a bachelor's degree in Journalism, studied Audiovisual Production at PUCRS and has a specialization in Cinema and Audiovisual Language at Estácio de Sá. She also teaches Documentary Script at the Célia Helena Center for Arts and Education, in the Postgraduate Course in Performing Arts. She teaches courses on film history and criticism, scripts and audiovisual narrative, construction of affirmative characters, the heroine's journey and feminist filmology - such as the course As Pioneiras do Cinema, along with the film critic, cultural journalist and documentary filmmaker Flavia Guerra. She is an international voter for the Golden Globes and publishes her reviews, as well as coverage of Festivals and Film Shows on the blog She also oordinates the As Amazonas do Cinema Festival since 2020.

Sophia Pinheiro
PhD student in Cinema and Audiovisual at PPGCine (Postgraduate Program in Cinema and Audiovisual), at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Master's degree in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Goiás (2017) and graduate degree in Visual Arts Bachelor in Graphic Design at the same university (2013). She is a visual thinker, interested in visual poetics and politics, ethnography of ideas, the body and markers of difference, mainly in ethnic, gender and sexuality contexts. She works mainly in the following areas: creative processes, anthropology, visual arts (illustration, engraving, ceramics, graphic design), urban artistic interventions, art & technology, photography, video art and cinema. She participates in the Documentário e Fronteiras research group. She won two awards as a visual and cinematographic artist at the Fundo de Arte e Cultura in Goiás (2015), participated in the VIII Pierre Verger Photo Essay Award (2016) and won the 23rd Sesi Art and Creativity Award in 2nd place in the Obras sobre Papel session (2017). Her artistic works have already been exhibited in the Brazilian northeast, southeast and mid-west, as well as in countries such as Argentina, Paraguay, Spain and Germany. She recently held her first solo exhibition “MÁTRIA” in Barcelona (ES). Currently circulating with her first medium-length film “TEKO HAXY – ser imperfeita” co-directed with the filmmaker Patrícia Ferreira, she is a professor at the International Cinema Academy (RJ) and a scholarship artist in the Formação e Deformação – Emergência e Resistência 2019 program at the School of Visual Arts at Parque Lage (RJ).

A prize worth R$ 15,000 (fifteen thousand reais) and a licensing contract for the best short of Brazilian Programs, chosen by a jury nominated by Canal Brasil.


Zagêro”, de Márcio Picoli e Victor Di Marco (RS)


One acquisition prize of R$ 8,000 (eight thousand reais) for a short film produced in Sao Paulo State to be exhibited in TV Cultura program schedule and chosen by a jury nominated by TV Cultura.


“Bem-vinda de Volta”, de Nicole Gullane (SP)


Two prizes for the acquisition of R$ 6,000.00 (six thousand reais) for one Brazilian and one foreign film directed by first time directors, chosen by a jury indicated by SescTV, with licensing for the period of two years, no exclusivity.


BRAZILIAN “Desconserto”, de Haniel Lucena (CE)

FOREIGN “O Filé”, de Kiarash Dadgar Mohebi (Irã)


Acquisition prize for R$ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) for a Brazilian short film (or from the Brazilian Showcase) selected by the Porta Curtas/Canal Curta! Curatorial team among the films that authorized screening and online voting on the platform during the event.


“Mandinga de Gorila”, de Juliana Gonçalves e Luzé (RJ)


Honorable mentions will be awarded to two short films produced in Audiovisual Production Workshops, guaranteeing an exhibition window on TV Cultura’s schedule.


• “Nalua”, de Isabelly Cristiny (SP)

• “Maremoto”, de Cristina Lima e Juliana Bezerra (RN) 

• “Além do Impedimento”, de Heloisa Lawanda (SP)

The API - Association of Independent Producers of the Brazilian Audiovisual will off er a total of three awards, one for a film from Unlimited Showcase, other for a film from the Latin American Showcase and another for Horizons Showcase. The jury will be made up of six representatives from companies associated with the API, three for each show.


• Unlimited Showcase: “Memórias De Um Sol Que Nunca Nasceu”, de Marcel Mrejen (Algeria France e Netherlands)

• Latin American Showcase: “A Cascata”, de Pablo Delgado (México)

- Honorable Mention Latin American Showcase: “Alien0089”, de Valeria Hofmann (Chile, Argentina)

• Horizons Showcase: “Pastrana”, de Gabriel Motta e Melissa Brogni (RS)

- Honorable Mention Horizons Showcase: “Na Marei”, de Lea-Jade Horlier (France)


Three highlights (a Brazilian film, a foreign film and a special award) for short films that deal with sexual diversity, selected by the LGBT+ Cineclube team among the films from 2023/2024.


Brazilian: “Carcinização”, de Denis Souza (RS)

Foreign: “Merecemos um Império”, de Mauricio Maldonado (Colômbia)

Special Award: Jessica Yakecon, do filme “Notas de Yakecan”, de André Moura Lopes (CE)


The “Kaiser” trophy mentions the first Brazilian authorial animated film that is known, directed by cartoonist Seth (Álvaro Martins). The film with the best animation among the 2024 entries will be awarded.


“Wander to Wonder”, de Nina Gantz (Netherlands)

The Festival’s audience chooses their favorite films among those shown in the Unlimited, Horizons, International, Latin American and Brazilian Programs Showcases. The ten Brazilian films and the ten foreign films with the highest votes are announced at the awards ceremony in alphabetical order and re-exhibited on the last weekend of the Festival.


10 + Brasileiros:

- “A Menina e o Pote”, de Valentina Homem (PE)

- “Bonita De Rosto”, de Ana Squilanti (SP)

- “Javyju”, de Cunha Rete e Carlos Eduardo Magalhães (SP)

- “Jogo de Classe”, de Quico Meirelles (SP)

- “Km 100”, de Lucas Ribeiro (SP)

- “Macaléia”, de Rejane Zilles (RJ)

- “O Que Fica de Quem Vai”, de André Zamith e Vinícius Cerqueira (SP)

- “Rosa”, de Pedro Murad (RJ) 

- “Vollúpya”, de Éri Sarmet, Jocimar Dias Jr. (RJ)

- “Zagêro”, de Márcio Picoli e Victor Di Marco (RS)


10 + Estrangeiros: 

- “Apaixonando-se Por Greta”, de Gustavo Arteaga (Reino Unido)

- “Bailarina”, de Farima Khalili e Soheil Babaie (Irã)

- “Fique Quieto ou te Amo”, de Luis Federico (Argentina, França)

- “Nado Borboleta”, de Florence Miailhe (França)

- O Filé”, de Kiarash Dadgar Mohebi (Irã)

- “O Homem que não se Calou”, de Nebojsa Slijepcevic (Croácia, Bulgária, França, Eslovênia)

- “Sonhos Como Barcos de Papel”, de Samuel Suffren (Haiti)

- “Uma Promessa Para o Mar”, de Hend Sohail (Egito, Suécia)

- “Win-Win”, de Benjamin Clavel (França)

- “Yaya”, de Leticia Akel Escarate (Chile)