results for 22/08/2024
Date | Schedule | Venue | Titles |
22/08 |
14:00 |
Cinesesc R. Augusta, 2075 |
Brazilian Showcase 10 - We are a Vessel In the Afropolitan diaspora crossed by an ocean of post-apocalyptic past, to re-exist is to find anchorage in a future in which freedom is not perishable. STARLIT, Raul Perez - Brazil, United States KM 100, Lucas Ribeiro - Brazil NÃO TEM MAR NESSA CIDADE / THERE'S NO SEA IN THIS TOWN, Manu Zilveti - Brazil MAMA - AFRICANOS EM SÃO PAULO / MAMA - AFRICANS IN SÃO PAULO, Rafael Luiz de Aquino - Brazil FLUXO - O FILME / FLUXO, Filipe Barbosa - Brazil |
22/08 |
15:00 |
Circuito Spcine CCSP Lima Barreto |
Latin American 3 - The Shadows Everyday stories of ordinary life - but there's a shadow over it... LA ASISTENTE / THE ASSISTANT, Pierre Llanos - Peru TIERRA ENCIMA / UNDER LAND, Sebastián Duque R. - Colombia UN PÁJARO VOLÓ / A BIRD FLEW, Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz - Cuba, Colombia ÜRSULA, Edison Cajas - Chile |
22/08 |
15:30 |
Espaço Augusta de Cinema 4 R. Augusta, 1.470 |
Inter 2 - Get Out of My Hair A liberating cry against those who want to meddle in our lives. SOUVENIR, Heidi Hassan - Spain, Cuba PISTOLERAS, Natalia del Mar Kasik - Austria BASRI & SALMA DALAM KOMEDI YANG TERUS BERPUTAR / BASRI & SALMA IN A NEVER-ENDING COMEDY, Khozy Rizal - Indonesia CATFOOD, Ayelet Chen Fridman, Zoe Kahana - Israel A SUMMER'S END POEM, Can-zhao Lam - China, Switzerland, Malaysia سایه / SHADOW, Elahe Esmaili - United Kingdom |
22/08 |
16:00 |
Cinemateca - Sala Grande Otelo |
Teens - Young Cinema It’s not easy to grow up, but it’s easier with friends. A SOMBRA DE UM LIVRO / A BOOK’S SHADOW, Alicy Matias, Alicy Matias, Amanda Júlia, Amanda Júlia, Ana Alice Cardoso, Ana Alice Cardoso, Ana Flávia Almeida, Ana Flávia Almeida, Gabrielly da Silva, Gabrielly da Silva, Ibeth Yesenia, Ibeth Yesenia, Yasmin Deterlina, Yasmin Deterlina - Brazil PARALISIA DOS SONHOS / DREAM PARALYSIS, Alex Caio, Alex Caio, André Guilherme, André Guilherme, Emilly Isabeli, Emilly Isabeli, Keirrison Gustavo, Keirrison Gustavo, Lara Lima de Jesus, Lara Lima de Jesus, Marcella Marques, Marcella Marques, Oldens Benjamin Alcelus, Oldens Benjamin Alcelus - Brazil PRIMEIRO DIA DE AULA / FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, Jennifer N. Montenegro, Jennifer N. Montenegro, Jhennefer Vitória, Jhennefer Vitória, João Victor Sousa, João Victor Sousa, Marlen Solange, Marlen Solange, Mickaella Yohana, Mickaella Yohana, Pedro dos Santos, Pedro dos Santos - Brazil AGUACUARIO, Jose Eduardo Castilla - Mexico BONITA DE ROSTO / SUCH A PRETTY FACE, Ana Squilanti - Brazil CAFUNÈ, Carlos F. de Vigo, Lorena Ares - Spain NALUA, Isabelly Cristiny - Brazil FREESTYLE DELAS / THEIR FREESTYLE, Ana Paula, Calebi Ferreira - Brazil |
22/08 |
16:15 |
Cinesesc R. Augusta, 2075 |
Brazilian Showcase 13 - It's bad to have to work Citizenship and consumption coined in the same coin, it drains the lives of the working class to pennies, if it does not erupt into retaliation. O QUE FICA DE QUEM VAI / JUST LEFT, André Zamith, Vinícius Cerqueira - Brazil TATO / TOUCH, Pedro Carvalho - Brazil RINHA, Rita M. Pestana - Brazil, Portugal NÃO PRECISA PEDIR DESCULPA / YOU DON'T HAVE TO APOLOGIZE, Franco Cavezale - Brazil |
22/08 |
16:30 |
Cinemateca - Sala Oscarito |
New Horizons 1 - More Love Please Love and art from the critical perspective of young people who feel oppressed by cultures and countries that restrict their freedom. EXPRESSO SÃO VALENTIM / THE VALENTINE’S EXPRESS, Guilherme Ayres, Luiza Aguiar Torres - Brazil QUIERO ESTRELLARME EN SECO CONTRA EL PARABRISAS DEL AMOR / I WANT TO VIOLENTLY CRASH INTO THE WINDSHIELD OF LOVE, Fernanda Tovar - Mexico POSSO CONTAR NOS DEDOS / I CAN COUNT ON MY FINGERS, Victória Kaminski, Victória Kaminski - Brazil 5 MINUTES WITH CLÉMENTINA, Pedro Hasrouny - Portugal NA MAREI, Léa-Jade Horlier - France |
22/08 |
17:00 |
Circuito Spcine Tiradentes |
Women Animators 1 - Mind and Body A selection of animated films directed by women from various Latin American countries. MEMENTO MORI, Daniela Wayllace - Bolivia, Belgium GUIDA, Rosana Urbes - Brazil CARNE / FLESH, Camila Kater - Brazil, Spain LA PERRA / THE BITCH, Carla Melo Gampert - Colombia, France LA VULVALAXIA / VULVALAXY, Alejandra Gómez de la Torre, Sabrina Franco - Peru EDIFÍCIO TATUAPÉ MAHAL / TATUAPÉ MAHAL TOWER, Carolina Markowicz, Fernanda Salloum - Brazil |
22/08 |
17:00 |
Circuito Spcine CCSP Lima Barreto |
Inter 4 - Speaking in Tongues Divine inspiration flowing in pure creativity. SIMPLE FORMS, Natalia Ryss - Israel THE STEAK, Kiarash Dadgar Mohebi - Iran Islamic Republic Of THE HEAD ON HIM, Sean Gallen - Ireland BRAIN, Giorgis Fotopoulos, Yama Kowa - Greece, Germany FALLING FOR GRETA, Gustavo Arteaga - United Kingdom MISÉRABLE MIRACLE / MISERABLE MIRACLE, Ryo Orikasa - Canada, Japan, France MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS, SaraKlara Hellstreöm - Sweden GIMN CHUME / HYMN OF THE PLAGUE, Alexander Epikhov, Dimitri Gorbaty, Philipp Ivanov - Russian Federation |
22/08 |
17:30 |
Espaço Augusta de Cinema 4 R. Augusta, 1.470 |
Latin American 1 - Chronicles of Possible Love Harsh chronicles about the not always infinite promises of love. AZUL PANDORA / BLUE PANDORA, Alán González - Cuba MERECEMOS UN IMPERIO / WE DESERVE AN EMPIRE, Mauricio Maldonado - Colombia DES RÊVES EN BATEAUX PAPIERS / DREAMS LIKE PAPER BOATS, Samuel Suffren - Haiti QUÉDATE QUIETO O TE AMO / STAY STILL OR I'LL LOVE YOU, Luis Federico - Argentina, France |
22/08 |
18:00 |
Cinemateca - Sala Grande Otelo |
Brazilian Showcase 1 - Eros and Thanatos The libidinal dynamics in the family routine are like embers under ashes that, when blown, (re)ignite. À NOITE TODOS OS GATOS SÃO PARDOS / AT NIGHT ALL THE CATS ARE BROWN, Matheus Moura - Brazil TRÊS / THREE, Lila Foster - Brazil RUÍDO DA PELE / UNFAMILIAR SKIN, Gustavo Milan - Brazil QUEIMA MINHA PELE / BURN MY SKIN, Leonardo Amorim - Brazil |
22/08 |
18:30 |
Cinemateca - Sala Oscarito |
Taiwan - The Post-90s Generation Films that reflect the concerns of their directors, the last generation of the 20th century. TAKE ME TO THE RIVER | 如果時間在此刻停下, Shao Lin - Taiwan RIGHT JABS | 我可以暫時逃跑一下嗎?, Wu Zi-en - Taiwan HEAR HER WITH YOUR EYES | 注意看,這個女人⋯, Ting Chi-wen - Taiwan |
22/08 |
18:30 |
Museu da Imagem e do Som Av. Europa, 158 |
Brazilian Showcase 14 - Run the World, Run the Risk Above us is the dome of the universe giving birth to people in a pilgrimage of homelands, experiences, hopes, injustices and deaths on (un)governed crossings. VENTO DOURADO / WIND OF GOLD, André Hayato Saito - Brazil JUPITER, Carlos Segundo - France, Brazil LAS CENIZAS ESTÁN QUEMANDO / ASHES ARE BURNING, Lucas Leônidas - Brazil, Argentina DU BIST SO WUNDERBAR / PARADISE EUROPE, Leandro Goddinho, Paulo Menezes - Germany, Brazil |
22/08 |
18:45 |
Cinesesc R. Augusta, 2075 |
Unlimited 3 - Psychocosmos A dive into the inner worlds and the deep relationships that exist between reality and human subjectivities. EN EL MISMÍSIMO MOMENTO / AT THAT VERY MOMENT, Federico Tachella, Rita Pauls - Argentina, Germany TALVEZ EU DEVA FALAR / MAYBE I SHOULD SPEAK, Denilson Amorim - Brazil NO HORSES ON MARS, Bea de Visser - Netherlands LOVEBOARD, Felipe Casanova - Belgium, Switzerland BIG BANG HENDA, Fernanda Polacow - Portugal, Angola DÉJÀ NU, Rolf Hellat - Switzerland, Câte D'ivoire, Guinea, Senegal |
22/08 |
19:00 |
Circuito Spcine CCSP Lima Barreto |
Inter 5 - Not Today An ode to dissidents, the disobedient, the cicadas, to stones in the shoe, to laziness and courage. LUMI SE TOMA UN RATO / LUMI TAKES HER TIME, nicolas rincon gille - Belgium IT'S A DATE, Nadia Parfan - Ukraine, United Kingdom EXIT THROUGH THE CUCKOO'S NEST, Nikola Ilic - Switzerland THE MAN WHO COULD NOT REMAIN SILENT, Nebojsa Slijepcevic - Croatia, Bulgaria, France, Slovenia SPRING 23, Zhiyi Wang - China THRONEBOSIS, Marco Espirito Santo - Portugal بالرین / BALLERINA, Farima Khalili, Soheil Babaie - Iran Islamic Republic Of |
22/08 |
19:30 |
Espaço Augusta de Cinema 4 R. Augusta, 1.470 |
Inter 1 - Liquid Stories A program for those who walk around the house in a swimsuit, put a seashell to their ear and have a mini water fountain in the bedroom. LEPTIR / BUTTERFLY, Suncana Brkulj - Croatia, Denmark A PROMISE TO THE SEA, Hend Sohail - Egypt, Sweden 水妖 / RIPPLES, An Chu, Hao Tang, Lo Lam, Ming Li - Taiwan PAPILLON / BUTTERFLY, Florence Miailhe - France PERCEBES, Alexandra Ramires, Laura Gonçalves - Portugal, France WIN-WIN, Benjamin Clavel - France |
22/08 |
20:00 |
Museu da Imagem e do Som Av. Europa, 158 |
Brazilian Showcase 8 - The Invention of Brazil Scale issues. Shakespeare is a countryman of mercantilism, and the drama arrives here via caravels, a maid's room or via Starlink. O CAVALO DE PEDRO / PEDRO HAD A HORSE, Daniel Nolasco - Brazil DEPENDÊNCIAS / DADÁ, Luisa Arraes - Brazil JOGO DE CLASSE / SCHOOL GAME, Quico Meirelles - Brazil 2 BRASIS / 2 BRAZILS, Carol Aó, Helder Fruteira - Brazil |
22/08 |
20:00 |
Cinemateca - Sala Grande Otelo |
Unlimited 1 - Earth, Moon and Other Worlds An intersection of multiple cosmic perspectives; authorial visions of real or invented worlds that affect our planetary perception. ALGODREAMS, Vladimir Todorovic - Australia, QUEBRANTE, Janaina Wagner - Brazil MEMORIES OF AN UNBORN SUN, Marcel Mrejen - Algeria, France, Netherlands DECADENTIA, Guillaume Anglard - France BUGS, Vitória Cribb - Brazil YENA, Ana Cecilia Estrabou - Argentina |
22/08 |
20:30 |
Cinemateca - Sala Oscarito |
Brazilian Showcase 2 - Confetti Ashes The street pulses with cum and violence, from the dark face of carnival to the dispersion when it overflows with male distillate. BATALHA DE FLORES / BATTLE OF FLOWERS, Luis Villaverde, Moira Soares - Brazil CARNE FRESCA / A HOWLING CARNIVAL, Giovani Barros - Brazil MANDINGA DE GORILA / THE SPELL OF GORILLAS, Juliana Gonçalves, Luzé, Luzé - Brazil FESTA É GUERRA / FESTA É GUERRA II / BETWEEN SLAPS AND KISSES, Lucas Eskinazi - Brazil |
22/08 |
21:00 |
Cinesesc R. Augusta, 2075 |
Brazilian Showcase 12 - Someone Left, Someone Stayed In the politics of daily walking, daring as a woman means flying without guarantees of safe landing in the (un)known abyss. A MENINA E O POTE / THE GIRL AND THE POT, Valentina Homem - Brazil DESCONSERTO / DISCONCERT, Haniel Lucena - Brazil GALEGA, Anna Lu Machado, Noan Arouche - Brazil BEM-VINDA DE VOLTA / WELCOME BACK, nicole gullane - Brazil PÁSSARO MEMÓRIA / A BIRD CALLED MEMORY, Leonardo Martinelli - Brazil, United Kingdom |
22/08 |
21:30 |
Espaço Augusta de Cinema 4 R. Augusta, 1.470 |
New Horizons 1 - I Am, We Are Short films full of personality in language and format, which reveal different realities around the world. MASCARADE ORIGIN STORY, Maïlis, Maïlis - Canada SLON'S LEGENDARY SUMMER HITS, Gaspard Hoël, Jonathan Poulet - Romania, France PASTRANA, Gabriel Motta, Melissa Brogni - Brazil MAS, EU SOU / BUT, I AM, Joel Junior - Brazil DAMMI, Yann Mounir Demange - United Kingdom, France |