Australia, | 2023 | cor | 10 min

While machines are turning into storytellers and animators, humans are laboring for new forms of machine creativity and intelligence.

Director: Vladimir Todorovic

Screenplay: GPT3

Producer: Vladimir Todorovic

Soundtrack: Vladimir Todorovic

Sound Designer: Vladimir Todorovic

Narrator: Murf.AI

Animation: Disco Diffusion 5.61

Editor: Vladimir Todorovic

Sales Agent: Vladimir Todorovic

Contact: Vladimir Todorovic -


Unlimited Showcase > Unlimited 1 - Earth, Moon and Other Worlds

An intersection of multiple cosmic perspectives; authorial visions of real or invented worlds that affect our planetary perception.


Thursday | 08:00 PM

Cinemateca - Sala Grande Otelo |


Tuesday | 09:00 PM

Cinesesc | R. Augusta, 2075


Wednesday | 07:30 PM

Espaço Augusta de Cinema 4 | R. Augusta, 1.470

Films of this program: Unlimited 1 - Earth, Moon and Other Worlds

An intersection of multiple cosmic perspectives; authorial visions of real or invented worlds that affect our planetary perception.