Mozambique | 2019 | cor | 5 min

To continue studying painting, Armando needs his uncle’s help.

Director: Douglas Condzo


Special Programs > Africa Connection > Oiá - Cape Verde

The exoticism with which different African cinemas were seen some time ago is fading, and they are now translating powerful narratives. The black/Afro dream of self-representation is a remarkable reality. One of the main advantages of these cinemas is that they recognize themselves in the differences, which are even greater than the size and history of the African continent itself. The films we welcome here, even with different themes, maintain among themselves rituals of the invisible and the unspeakable. Tambla Almeida, Director


Saturday | 03:00 PM

Circuito Spcine CCSP Lima Barreto |


Sunday | 06:00 PM

Cinemateca - Sala Grande Otelo |


Tuesday | 06:45 PM

Cinesesc | R. Augusta, 2075

Films of this program: Oiá - Cape Verde

The exoticism with which different African cinemas were seen some time ago is fading, and they are now translating powerful narratives. The black/Afro dream of self-representation is a remarkable reality. One of the main advantages of these cinemas is that they recognize themselves in the differences, which are even greater than the size and history of the African continent itself. The films we welcome here, even with different themes, maintain among themselves rituals of the invisible and the unspeakable. Tambla Almeida, Director